Here is one that I have heard enough of in recent months to make me lose my lunch.
I swear, one of my biggest pet peeves is being called racist just because I don't like somebody (like Obama?) that just so happens to be different than me. I don't dislike him because he is black (he is half white, you know) I dislike him because he is a compulsive liar and/or completely incompetent!
Ok, first things first, I am not going to refer to him as an "african-american", if I am white, then he is black.(I have never referred to myself as "anglo.") If that is going to offend you then just stop reading right now. PLEASE!
I have issues with this whole "politically correct" thing. ANY word can be offensive if it is used in a derogitory way. It isn't about what you say, it is about how you say it.
Discrimination works both ways, and I am SICK of people telling me I am racist because there is ONE black guy that I can't stand. I wouldn't like him any more if he were white, or purple! There's a hell of a lot more white people that I dislike! I do not look at people and see the color of their skin, I do not look at people and see their religion, or their gender, or anything else that has NO EFFECT on me. I look at people and all I care about is what is on the inside. Do they have a good heart? Are they trying to do the right thing? Because THAT'S WHAT MATTERS!
I truly believe that special interest groups instigate discrimination as well as the government.
I do not believe that any "special" group of people should be put above another group of people. Isn't that what discrimination is?
Example: Scholarships - they have scholarships for women, Asians, TEEN MOMS, African-Americans, Native-Americans, Hispanics, etc.
I'm sorry, but am I the only one who thinks it is wrong that white guys can't have an "Anglo-American" scholarship? Why are they left out? Because they aren't a minority? That isn't their fault! Now, I am not saying that white guys can't get a scholarship, of course they can, but how much money is set aside for "minorities"? It isn't anybody's fault what color they were born, so why the special treatment? I live in New Mexico and I see cars all the time sporting "brown pride" but God forbid I even mention "white pride" and all of a sudden I am a member of the KKK. (Not that I would ever put that on my car! - Redneck pride, maybe!) But this is exactly the type of double standard that perpetuates racism and gender discrimination and the list goes on. How about, the person with the best academic scores gets first choice, and it goes down the line like that?
What is wrong with just being an AMERICAN? That's how I identify myself, I refuse to fill out the section of any form that asks for what type of "American" I am. How about a space for RED BLOODED AMERICAN?! Why not differenciate things that matter like:
Hard working American vs. Too lazy to work
I can pay for this service vs. everybody else is gonna pay for this service
The only "special interest" group I believe SHOULD receive special "entitlements" is our VETERANS! They've earned it! They should be first in line to receive health care or any other assistance they may need. I cannot stress it enough that they are my heroes. Their sacrifices affect my daily life and their debts can never be repaid.
What happened to us all being created equal? We aren't equal if there's special things for this and that...
Now, I feel the need to put a disclaimer that I am not at any point in this article referring to people that can NOT work, or people with special needs, elderly, etc. That's different!
Ok, venting is done for the night, at least until I hear about the next thing that is going to raise my blood pressure to boiling point...
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