We are all asking how it was even possible that the right lost the election.
Besides the OBVIOUS voter fraud that took place, I have some thoughts...
The problem with this country isn't conflicting beliefs, it's pushing one side's beliefs onto the people on the other side. BOTH sides are guilty of this. I typically try to avoid being in the center of the abortion topic because I am not an expert on the biology of it but here you go, these are my thoughts on it.
I am against abortion. I believe it is wrong. However, I do not think it is Washington's place to tell me that I cannot have one. Now, honestly, I have not done a lot of research on human development inside the womb. I know there is a heartbeat very soon. Are there feelings though? When do the nerves develop? That is something I really don't know, but based on the assumption it isn't in the first trimester and the brain at that point cannot feel pain, then I think it should be a woman's choice. I am vehemently against abortion past 12 weeks. We can argue and argue about it being wrong to kill a baby but the problem is more complicated than that, I believe.
First, the government having a say in what happens in my uterus is concerning because it isn't Uncle Sam's business. Not everybody agrees about "when life begins" therefore, while I agree with my fellow conservatives, I don't think the government should get involved. This is how we are losing our freedoms to the politicians, they aren't minding their own business. And yes, "it's not just your body" when you are pregnant, but your body is directly affected. Let me pose a question, if a woman has an abortion, how does that affect you? You are not the father, in fact you don't even know this woman. If you don't know her, you probably wouldn't even know if she had one, right? Do you know WHY she had one? Was she at risk of life and death? Was there a problem where the child was not going to have a quality life? Was she raped? Do those things make a difference? This is why I believe the government should stay out of it. On that note, I believe in religious freedom, and I am vehemently against forcing people to provide contraceptives to others when that goes directly against their beliefs.
Second, the fact that women consider abortion as their own selfish way of dealing with a situation (assuming they just don't want a baby) they consider a problem is bigger than abortion. THIS IS society's problem. It's a lack of or skewed morals. We need to teach right and wrong from infancy. We need to teach our children about consequences and how to handle life when it doesn't go as planned. We need to do our best to instill a good moral code within our communities. We need can (for the most part) avoid the issue of abortion before it becomes an issue at all.
One of my favorite sayings is that, "The differene between conservatives and liberals is this, if a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't own one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he doesn't want ANYBODY to own one." While I wholeheartedly agree with that statement, I don't want any lib coming back at me with the same statement on a different subject.
You don't have to agree with me, these are my views, however I think we need to take a step back and see the other points of view. Am I crazy? Is this completely unreasonable?
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