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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

  "Assault" weapons account for less than 1% of crime in the United States. This is true before, during, and after the passage of the Brady Bill. Therefore, it had NO EFFECT on crime. Why are they pushing to bring the Brady Bill back? Please don't be fooled, this is NOT, nor was it ever, about CRIME, it is about CONTROL. Period. And I dare anybody to try and prove differently. If you are worried about crime, go after the criminals, make the penalties count. Bring back/USE the death penalty. (which is a whole other subject)

What part of "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is so hard to understand? The founding fathers of this country, OUR founding fathers, left their home country for FREEDOM. Freedom. Our entire foundation of our country was based on a single idea. Freedom. They knew first hand what the government was capable of and made every effort to protect the people of the United States of America from their government. They knew foreign threats could always be made against the people, but they understood that our biggest threat, the only way we could be broken would come from our OWN government. That knowledge was the reasoning behind the first two amendments: Freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. And if you want to argue that point, show me some evidence. I have never seen a quote from the people that wrote the Constitution indicating they felt any different. So jump forward to today and we have a president who "believes in the individual right to bear arms" but not concealed carry, not hand guns, not "assault" weapons, etc. So basically that is his chicken shit way of trying to get around his true feelings. The second amendment was written SPECIFICALLY for self defense. This includes self defense against common criminals, an unjust government, and everything in between.

But to be honest, we cannot fully blame the government. After all, they aren't elected by people of other nations... (for the most part). We really have nobody to blame but ourselves. We let it happen. We let them chip away at our freedoms a little sliver at a time until there's nothing left. Are we going to let it get that far? Are we already there?

We are currently facing a potential "UN Gun Ban Treaty", a president who has no regard for the constitution,  a 5-4 margin in the Supreme Court with at least one justice being replaced within the next couple of years, the re-introduction of the "assault" weapons ban... how bad does it have to get before we stand up and actually DO something?!

I constantly hear about how "the gov't will never take our guns, they couldn't get away with that..." Umm, I can say a lot of things about the powers that be, but stupid isn't one of them. Those who have any knowledge of history, know that Hitler did not get as far as he did overnight either... just some food for thought.

The issue of gun control is very very close to my heart. I would LOVE somebody to explain to me a more effective source of protection for myself and my family.

Our guns are our last line of self defense against enemies foreign and domestic.

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