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Sunday, November 25, 2012

In Their Shoes

I was reading some Facebook posts this morning and something jogged my memory from years ago...

After September 11, 2001, terrorism became a topic of frequent discussion in my world. I began to really learn about other parts of the world, other cultures, and America's place in world politics. I began learning about terrorism and why they attacked us. I followed reports of HOW they did it.

I was also living in a post-Columbine world and we would have practice drills at school. I would discuss with my friends my thoughts on how people might "attack" the school. My friends would ask if I was planning to blow it up and I always made myself clear that NO, I wasn't planning but you never know what somebody else might be planning and I try to put myself in the "bad guy's" shoes so that I could be as prepared as possible. That's just how I think. I spend a lot of my free time studying criminal behavior and learning to understand how people think and why they do things a certain way.

Anyways, today I remembered reading and hearing reports that the terrorists that had attacked us on Sept. 11, had lived in the United States for years, that these people were raised with a sole purpose of bringing America to her knees. These organizations are extremely patient. So, I tried to put myself in their shoes...

WHAT IF: The "higher ups" in these terrorist cells, or anti-American people had people living in America, the land of the free, and had babies in America? These babies would be American citizens. These children would be raised to HATE America and her people. Their true allegiance would be to their parents' affiliations. WHAT IF these people grew up with a sole purpose to do their part in bringing America down? They wouldn't believe in freedom or our republic. They believe we are evil and should be ruled by somebody else. What if these children grew into adulthood with the financial backing to get the best education in the best schools? What if they infiltrated our political system?

Now, I will be the first to admit our political system is flawed. It is not perfect, just as people are not. I will say that there has been corruption dating back for decades, because power corrupts. But I believe there is a difference in corrupted officials being shady and elected officials who hate everything America stands for....

Yes, maybe I am crazy, I won't say that isn't possible, or maybe I am just trying to prepare for the worst while I hope for the best..

Just wanted to share some thoughts, I will let you come to your own conclusions on this one...

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