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Thursday, December 13, 2012


Ok, so I guess I am a little bit confused...

I don't even know where to start!? Just when I start to think maybe I am becoming a little bit paranoid something new comes up and reaffirms my paranoia.

SINCE WHEN is it acceptable to live off of gov't handouts permanently?
SINCE WHEN is it acceptable to not want a better life?
SINCE WHEN is it NOT acceptable to become a successful business person?
WHEN did earning a living become evil or racist or radical?!
WHEN did it become the taxpayers' job to give our hard earned money to the lazy people?
HOW is it "open minded" and "accepting" to ban the mention of God or anything related to Christianity? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this country was founded on Christian principals and acceptance of religious freedom?
WHEN and WHO decided a government check was worth trading in our freedom?
WHEN did celebrities become more important and more influential than anything else?
WHO redefined equality to mean the same? 2+2=4 and 3+1=4. They are EQUAL but they are NOT the SAME! Is that clear?

I didn't grow up in a very religious house, but we are believers and I have always had a relationship with God. I don't push that on anybody, I don't like anybody pushing their religious beliefs on me, but I don't find things offensive just because I disagree!

I never agreed to any of this! I have faith that we will pull through and eventually get our country back, but when? How long is it going to take for enough people to realize the dangerous road we are on? How bad does it have to get? How bad is it going to get? Unfortunately I think I already know the answers to those questions and I pray every day that I am wrong.

Maybe I am crazy. Maybe I am an "extremist". Maybe I do lean a little to far to the right, but I truly don't believe that. I refuse to back down. I refuse to lose faith in the America I am proud to be part of. I am unable to shut my mouth. I AM going to make a difference. I will NOT give up. I am not doing this for me. I am doing this for a future for my son. I am doing this for my nieces and nephews. I am doing this because there are people who are willing to sacrifice, who have sacrificed their lives so that we can be free. Those sacrifices will not be in vain.

We will get our country back.

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