I'm not sure what part of "shall not be infringed" is so hard to understand.
The Second Amendment has always been close to my heart, even before I cared too much about politics. I have always understood this is the freedom to defend all the others. I have also been aware for years that it is under attack. Every election I hold my breath and hope for the best that people vote for freedom. The last two presidential elections did not go so well. Now, due to recent events, I am gravely concerned that one of my worst fears is about to become reality.
Gun control advocates didn't skip a beat and now they are coming full force for our guns. For lack of a better term, shit just got real.
The problems we are facing:
United Nations Gun Ban Treaty
Renewed "assault weapons" ban
A President who is the definition of "power corrupts"
A Supreme Court that is leaning farther and farther away from the Constitution
People who are opinionated, yet grossly uneducated in the facts
Media that gets their paychecks from the Gov't
...and the list goes on...
Here is my problem with gun control. It isn't about the guns. It IS about control. Our economy is in the tank, our national debt is skyrocketing with no end in sight. Washington is FULL of politicians who care about nothing except themselves. Our society has become lazy, irresponsible, anti-capitalist, uneducated, spoiled brats. Now the rest of us are in the fight of our lives to protect and defend the very values this country was founded upon because the government wants to control every aspect of our lives "for our own good." And people believe this crap!
This is ridiculous. It is time to wake up. I don't tell everybody that I want my country back, because I have nothing better to do. I want my country back because GOOD people have given their lives for my freedom and something that comes with that kind of price tag is invaluable. It is something to be treasured!
I understand that times have changed, I understand that as a society, values have shifted, but have they shifted so far that freedom is no longer important? Is a government handout worth your freedom?
People generally follow laws because they don't want to go to prison. What people aren't realizing is that the government is already incarcerating them. With every freedom restricting law that is passed, with every dollar spend that we don't have, with every new or raised tax, we are taking a step away from liberty and heading straight towards a lifetime sentence.
Do I need an AK-47? No, but I have the right to own one if I want! Does everybody need to own a gun of any kind? No, so they aren't forced to buy one. It works both ways. How would all those gun-ban socialists feel if we FORCED them to keep a loaded gun in their house at all times with no safety mechanism? What would they say? How hard would they fight?
We HAVE to fight for our Constitution! We have to start with the Second Amendment or we won't have anything left to fight for! We don't have another 4 years to wait and see what happens next. The time is NOW! There isn't any more "on the fence" stances on this. You are either Pro Liberty or Pro Incarceration.
I am ready, are you? You need to ask yourself how far are you willing to go and be ready and willing to go the distance because the test isn't coming, it's here.
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