I have a friend who works with politicians in Washington, D.C. We were having one of lively debates last night about our country. He mentioned reading some article about the "tea party" guys but the article had a good point that got me thinking. Basically the article described the tea party as wanting things to be like they were in the 50's, very "Mayberry" and "Leave it to Beaver."
It got me thinking, yeah, that's pretty much what I picture when I think of the way it should be. Things have "progressed" so much since then, is it even possible to get that back? I don't think that is very realistic. During the discussion, it occurred to me that part of our problem is the idea of the "melting pot" where everybody is accepted as they are and conformity isn't necessary. Is that the real problem or does it just appear that way on the surface? We talked about the Republican Party's lack of vision and I got to wondering about my vision for the red, white and blue.
I want freedom to be restored as the most basic founding principal of America. I am tired of the socialism plague seeping into every aspect of my life!
I want a country where the elected officials are not bought and paid for by the highest bidder. I want those officials to represent the people and the Constitution. I want them to feel that it is a TEMPORARY privilege to SERVE the people of this country.
I want less money to go to prisons. Not less money for the staff, less money for the inmates. What exactly was wrong with "chain gangs"? Why can't prisons be more self-sufficient? I want mandatory minimums for VIOLENT criminals and I want to stop treating drug related crimes as crimes and treat it as a social issue - how much money would that save?
I want the money we save on the prisons to be directed towards education. I don't have all the answers but why do we spend 12 years in school (13 with kindergarten)? We all know education is broken, so lets fix it! Every person, by design, has strengths and weaknesses and it doesn't take 12 years to figure out what those are. Lets help children with their weaknesses and exploit their strengths. What if we took that approach for 12 or 13 years? Our future generations would graduate with confidence and a sense of direction maybe? Let's encourage home schooling and alternative schooling. Let's customize the curriculum and give parents some options!
I want the illegal aliens to stop benefiting from the tax dollars of hard working Americans. Maybe we could give them less incentives and reward those who come here legally?
I want churches to reconnect and be more involved in their communities. I want organized religions to stop tearing each other down and start respecting their differences - don't most of them preach that? Let's practice what we preach.
I want the terrorists and extremists to understand that while they might get into our country - any negative impact they bring with them will be dealt with... ONCE. I want them to fear us.
I want our government to GOVERN. We don't need more laws, we need people to oversee the laws we have and work on fixing the ones that are broken without creating new ones.
I want the States to take back their power to opt in or out of federal laws and regulations.
I want small businesses to be rewarded more than the big corporations.
I don't want people to pick and choose the freedom that is important to them. Its all or nothing!
I don't mind paying taxes, but I am SICK of the wasteful spending.
I want EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the armed forces to be first in line for anything and everything. No more career welfare recipients. Get off your ass and work like the rest of us. THAT money should go to the people that keep us free first. Period.
I want the national debt to be a thing of the past. There is no reason (especially with 28 billion in tax revenue daily) that the government cannot turn a profit.
America used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. It might not be Mayberry, but I don't believe it's too late to get our country back one way or another.
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