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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Serenity - Courage - Wisdom

Serenity - Courage - Wisdom

God, grant me the
 Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 
the Courage to change the things I can,
 and the Wisdom to know the difference. 

Those are the words I live by when times get tough. As many of you may be aware, on Friday, July 19th a sorry excuse for a human walked into National Jewelry Buyers in Albuquerque, NM and shot and killed my friend. As of today, the coward is still free and the police don't appear to have much to go on besides the surveillance footage. We need your help. I don't care if you live across the country, if each person that see's the information we have would share it with a couple friends and on and on, eventually somebody with information will see it.

I hadn't known Glass very long, but he quickly became part of my inner circle of friends. He was part of my second family. We could finish each other's thoughts and he was an amazing person. He was somebody's son. He was somebody's brother. He was somebody's father. He was proud to be an American and he wanted his country back so he could pass on the American Dream to his children.

Prior to my awakening to politics, I studied crime. Serial killers, psychopaths, you know, the worst of the worst, and I studied human behavior, why people do the things they do. I always thought that if we could understand what makes people tick, we could stop the bad guys. I live in a somewhat small town outside of Albuquerque and I feel fairly safe here but I try to keep an eye on crime and I, of course, follow the big cases I hear about. Normally, I can stay somewhat objective and the initial shock of some crimes gets to me but I can quickly put that aside and look for answers.

This one is different. This one hit home. This has affected me deeper than I ever would have imagined. I will never give up.

Once again, here is the link and I will continue to post this story until justice has been served.

If you have any information, 
please call (505) 843-STOP. 
This is an anonymous tip line. 

Serenity. Nothing will bring him back. Nothing will make up for all those plans that never came to pass. Nothing will replace what has forever been taken from us. I can accept that.

Courage. While this blog and the page created to go with it is focused on politics, taking our country back is bigger than that. I cannot change what happened, but I can remain vigilant and I promise that for anybody seeking justice for the loss of a loved one, I will post any information I can to help. If we are to get our country back, we have to work together. I want it back from the tyrants. I want it back from the criminals.

Wisdom. I learned this week that if we all just took that little bit of extra time to take things more personally, we can make a difference. The evil will always be there but we can minimize its damage by putting ourselves in each other's shoes. What if it was your family that was hurt? Wouldn't you want everybody to do everything humanly possible to get that person off the streets before he hurts somebody else?

Finally, I want to say thank you to everybody who has posted and re-posted this story for me and to everybody that has been there for me. I don't know what I would do without you guys.

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