So, on my Facebook page, I posted a link to this video:
It is BLATANTLY clear that America is in trouble. We are going to be on the wrong side of what I think will be WWIII. Call me a conspiracy theorist, call me an extremist, call me whatever you want, but I will not happily board the next train to my nearest FEMA "relocation" facility.
What are we facing?
I go back and forth but here's my theory based on what I know at the moment:
The "elites" want one world government. We know this. Obama is a power junkie. We also know this. Does he think he is "king"? I don't think so. I think Obama is fully aware that he is a pawn and he knows he isn't really running the show. But regardless of what we would all like to believe, he also isn't dumb. Politics is about secret and not-so-secret alliances to gain more power.
So -
I think Obama has his itinerary from the elites and he is doing his best to FORWARD that agenda. Thankfully, the American people haven't completely rolled over so it isn't quite going as planned. That means plans have to be flexible and they will adjust accordingly.
Now, I think while Obama knows where he really stands with the elites, he WANTS to be king. I can see his thought process plain as day...
While pushing the agenda of the U.N. Obama is (more than openly) aligning forces with Islam. I don't believe that Islamic terrorists and the elites are on the same side but a very wise friend told me that "an enemy of my enemy is my friend".
America is the last obstacle standing between the U.N.s one world government and America is also the biggest obstacle standing between Islam's takeover of the western hemisphere. Barack Obama is in the right place, at the right time, to help both parties. Whose side is he really on? Well we all know it's not Americas. I think Obama will use his position to bring (or attempt to bring) down this nation for the elites. They will allow him to use whatever means necessary to accomplish this goal. Eventually, if America falls, this will turn into a war between the elites and the Islamic terrorists and Obama will have to choose. He will choose Islam. Its in his blood - it's who he is - and he knows he has a better chance at being "king" with them than he does with the elites.
America, I am begging you to wake up and take a look around. You have 3 choices:
Do you want your children and grandchildren raised in a world where Shariah law is the law of the land and the Constitution of the United States of America is something that won't even be taught in the history books? Where freedom is an idea that, if spoken of, is worthy of beheading?
Do you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a world where they have no say in any aspect of their daily lives? They don't get to choose what they do for a living, they have no opportunity to better themselves, they don't even know what freedom is?
Do you want your children and grandchildren to look up to you and say, my dad, my mom, (whoever) helped make America great again. My (family member) helped save the world from terrorists and power hungry elites. Do you want your children to say THANK YOU for keeping us free, for teaching us and fighting for all the people who have already died in the name of liberty?
Wake up and realize that this is YOUR country. The United States belongs to the citizens. America was founded on freedom, liberty and justice for all. Don't we owe it to the men and women who have given their lives for us to be free to continue the fight?! Then DO SOMETHING!
DON'T sit down - STAND UP
DON'T shut up - SPEAK OUT
Speak now or forever hold your peace because tomorrow might be too late.
This is my personal page I created to vent. I respect to any point of view if you are able to substantiate it. I take issue with people having blind points of view. I am apparently pretty hard core conservative. I am a proud American and I want my country back from the corrupt politicians that are eating away at the principles my country was founded upon. These are my rants. I am not so concerned about the road we are heading down for my sake, I want my son to know freedom.
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
When Conspiracy Becomes Reality
I haven't been around much the last few days as life has been a little busy. I wanted to get caught up tonight and the first thing to catch my eye was this story:
I am not sure exactly why this story was shocking to me. WE all know that the U.N. wants one world government and that the American citizens are standing in the way. WE all know the intent of the Small Arms Treaty - that's why we have been fighting it. I guess I am shocked at the story because a United States congressman actually said it out loud. But then again, it is Ron Paul's son and we know how outspoken Ron Paul is. Even if I don't agree with everything Ron Paul stood for, I agree with most of it and I always respected him for speaking out.
So here's my question, if Rand Paul is aware of these intentions, doesn't that mean the rest of congress is aware?? Rand Paul isn't some insider who rubs elbows with these elites - at least I doubt it. How on earth did he and Ted Cruz get elected when nearly everybody else in Washington is so anti-American? Based on the assumption that all of congress knows about the U.N. and their intentions for our country, they should all be tried for treason for every vote to take our freedom and put it in the hands of the United Nations.
I have heard that the government is at "war" within itself. What does that mean? Well, not everybody in D.C. is happy with the administration or with the direction we are headed. I think this is believable. I think occasionally a real American gets through the cracks. Maybe that is how Rand Paul and Ted Cruz made it. Maybe there are others. Maybe some of these recent scandals coming to light are a result of the conflict in the Capitol.
I truly believe where there's smoke, there's fire. These conspiracy theories don't just grow from somebody's imagination. They need substance to become so big. Then, eventually, most of them come to pass as truth:
The IRS scandal.
Rand Paul confirming the UN Small Arms Treaty threat
The one world order plans
BTW - Orwell's book - 1984 - it was DEAD ON
And say what you want, but the fact it took a 13 HOUR televised filibuster to get a response about drone strikes on U.S. soil on our own citizens should scare the sh*t out of you.
The list goes on...
So then what does that mean about FEMA camps and the darker "conspiracies"? How much truth is in those? I don't know that I really want to find out.
This isn't about Democrats and Republicans - THIS IS ABOUT FREEDOM vs. SLAVERY!
This is your wake up call, America. Look around you, is this the kind of world you dreamed of for your children and your children's children? Is this what you wanted for them? No? then DO SOMETHING!
Monday, June 3, 2013
The Children
It has been a LONG time since I have really written ... been busy and well, there's only so many ways to say enough is enough.
Things have continued to deteriorate (not a shock) and I am still wondering how bad things will have to get. What can we do? Well....
One of the MOST IMPORTANT things we need to do to get OUR country back is take back our schools!
Our children are being treated like hardened criminals for mis-shaped pop-tarts, innocent cap guns, bubble guns, supporting the United States MARINES and the NRA. The latest is a deaf child whose signed name looks too much like a gun!?!? SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!?!?
My son will start kindergarten this fall in a public school. He has previously been attending a private Christian pre-school and I love it. I am terrified of public school. He will be attending the same elementary school I went to and I really loved it but that was how many years ago? I have faith in my community that they haven't lost all common sense and I hope he makes it through without having to waste too much of my time fighting with the administration.
Guns are currently his obsession. I am jealous of his arsenal. I don't understand why it is so hard to understand that boys have this fascination with guns. He doesn't mean any harm, he knows that his toys are toys and real guns are an ENTIRELY different thing. He only wants to shoot the "bad guys". I even questioned him about his choice of movies. I asked if he liked the "soldier" movies because they kill people, his response? "No Mom, I like them because there's shooting!" It's about the action. Period. There's nothing wrong with that! I had my toy guns right along side my toy knives until I was old enough to get the real thing. I am not violent, I speak out against violence, but NOTHING will change my mind about my right to keep myself or my family safe.
I know at some point I will be fighting with the school about the curriculum or something, and I will NOT back down.
Why don't I keep him in a private school? Well, here's the thing, I actually could keep him in his current school all the way through his senior year, and I have gone back and forth on it. The thing is, while I want my son to have my morals and think like me and his dad, I want him to learn to think for himself. I want him to have all the information and come to his own conclusions. I will respect him more for an educated argument why he disagrees than I will if he just takes what I say just because. After all, isn't that what education is all about? I can only argue the other side to attempt to give him the full picture so far. It won't be the same as him actually experiencing it. Eventually, the plan is that he will be out in the real world on his own and will have to deal with ignorance and sheep daily. I want him to have the ability to stand his ground and stand up and speak out. If he grows up in a world where there are opposing views and we can talk about it and debate it - he will be prepared for what he will face as an adult. I know that we discuss "politics" at least on a 5 year old's level all the time so he has the foundation, and the most honest questions always come from the little ones.
Still, there's a line between "tolerance" and completely breaking down family values and morals in the name of "acceptance". I don't want him to "hate Muslims" but I want him to understand that Shariah Law is a BAD thing and has no place in the land of the free. I honestly don't think he needs to "wait until he is married" but I have BIG issues with 5th graders walking around pregnant. I don't care if he comes home one day and tells me he is gay, and he better NEVER judge anybody that is, but I don't know that he needs to understand the concept of same sex relationships in elementary school. He doesn't need to learn about relationships in elementary school AT ALL.
My concern is rebellion. When he hits that age and wants to do the complete opposite of what his parents think is best just for spite - how far will it take him? How do you raise your child in a way to prevent them from being completely paranoid on one side, and prevent them from becoming sheep on the other side?
I guess in 20 years I will have the answers - or the answers of what NOT to do...
Things have continued to deteriorate (not a shock) and I am still wondering how bad things will have to get. What can we do? Well....
One of the MOST IMPORTANT things we need to do to get OUR country back is take back our schools!
Our children are being treated like hardened criminals for mis-shaped pop-tarts, innocent cap guns, bubble guns, supporting the United States MARINES and the NRA. The latest is a deaf child whose signed name looks too much like a gun!?!? SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!?!?
My son will start kindergarten this fall in a public school. He has previously been attending a private Christian pre-school and I love it. I am terrified of public school. He will be attending the same elementary school I went to and I really loved it but that was how many years ago? I have faith in my community that they haven't lost all common sense and I hope he makes it through without having to waste too much of my time fighting with the administration.
Guns are currently his obsession. I am jealous of his arsenal. I don't understand why it is so hard to understand that boys have this fascination with guns. He doesn't mean any harm, he knows that his toys are toys and real guns are an ENTIRELY different thing. He only wants to shoot the "bad guys". I even questioned him about his choice of movies. I asked if he liked the "soldier" movies because they kill people, his response? "No Mom, I like them because there's shooting!" It's about the action. Period. There's nothing wrong with that! I had my toy guns right along side my toy knives until I was old enough to get the real thing. I am not violent, I speak out against violence, but NOTHING will change my mind about my right to keep myself or my family safe.
I know at some point I will be fighting with the school about the curriculum or something, and I will NOT back down.
Why don't I keep him in a private school? Well, here's the thing, I actually could keep him in his current school all the way through his senior year, and I have gone back and forth on it. The thing is, while I want my son to have my morals and think like me and his dad, I want him to learn to think for himself. I want him to have all the information and come to his own conclusions. I will respect him more for an educated argument why he disagrees than I will if he just takes what I say just because. After all, isn't that what education is all about? I can only argue the other side to attempt to give him the full picture so far. It won't be the same as him actually experiencing it. Eventually, the plan is that he will be out in the real world on his own and will have to deal with ignorance and sheep daily. I want him to have the ability to stand his ground and stand up and speak out. If he grows up in a world where there are opposing views and we can talk about it and debate it - he will be prepared for what he will face as an adult. I know that we discuss "politics" at least on a 5 year old's level all the time so he has the foundation, and the most honest questions always come from the little ones.
Still, there's a line between "tolerance" and completely breaking down family values and morals in the name of "acceptance". I don't want him to "hate Muslims" but I want him to understand that Shariah Law is a BAD thing and has no place in the land of the free. I honestly don't think he needs to "wait until he is married" but I have BIG issues with 5th graders walking around pregnant. I don't care if he comes home one day and tells me he is gay, and he better NEVER judge anybody that is, but I don't know that he needs to understand the concept of same sex relationships in elementary school. He doesn't need to learn about relationships in elementary school AT ALL.
My concern is rebellion. When he hits that age and wants to do the complete opposite of what his parents think is best just for spite - how far will it take him? How do you raise your child in a way to prevent them from being completely paranoid on one side, and prevent them from becoming sheep on the other side?
I guess in 20 years I will have the answers - or the answers of what NOT to do...
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