There are, in increasingly frightening numbers, cells of angry men in the United States preparing for combat with the U.S. government. They are usually heavily armed, blinded by an intractable hatred, often motivated by religious zeal. Really? What is considered heavily armed? I believe we have this little thing called the Second Amendment. Isn't being "heavily armed" kinda the point, in case the government decides to... I don't know, skip due process and go straight to drone attacks? Full of hate, motivated by religious zeal? I thought that's what drove those guys into the World Trade Center? Wanting the ability to protect ourselves isn't quite the same. We don't preach or practice violence. Actually, we want to live in peace, and as the saying goes, "an armed society is a polite society." If I am wrong, why do all the studies back me up?
They're not jihadists. Hey, they got one right! They are white, right-wing Americans, nearly all with an obsessive attachment to guns, who may represent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists. Oh really? So its just the white guys huh. Oh, and by the way, is it really just men? And that obsessive attachment to guns... what of it?! ("...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.") Maybe it's the redneck in me, but I don't see how that's a problem. Exactly what part makes them think we may represent a danger to American lives? Maybe if Washington wasn't so attached to their drone program, they wouldn't be so scared? Just a thought.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has been tracking hate groups for 30 years, released its latest report on the growth of these organizations this week. What constitutes as a "hate group?" Its findings were, to say the least, alarming. The center divides its subjects into militias "A well regulated MILITIA, being necessary to the security of a free State..." , which are mostly groups of weekend warriors who train for combat against imaginary foes; Did I imagine that nearly 13 hour filibuster hosted by Senator Rand Paul? hate groups, which target minorities; Are career politicians considered minorities? and "patriot" groups, whose beef is with the U.S. government. Who wouldn't have "beef" with the U.S. government? They are doing such a GREAT job! No budget, no respect for the people, no problem. Patriot groups first began surfacing after the massacre of a bizarre sect by federal agents in Waco, Texas, in the early 1990s. They showed their teeth in 1995, when a patriot adherent blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City. The reference to Timothy McVeigh is like disgusting. He wasn't a patriot! He was an anarchist, crazy person! I am completely unaware of any plans to blow up anything, and he was one person, who acted alone, and last I checked, a group needed to be more than one person. Maybe he had multiple personalities?
Since then, the patriot movement has been growing at a blistering pace, especially following the election of PresidentObama in 2008, according to the report. Gee, I wonder why! From just 149 groups in 2008, the number jumped to 512 in 2009 and has been rising sharply since. In 2012, it hit 1,360. Now that Obama is seriously pushing for tougher gun laws, further growth is a near certainty. So.... why don't they study the million $$ question: WHY?! The result? There's no knowing, but some kind of serious attack is increasingly possible. Attack on who? Yes, I believe that an attack on Americans IS increasingly possible - by the guys with the drones, and if they have it their way, all the guns!!!!
Patriot groups are motivated by a host of anti-government attitudes, Let me interject, there is a HUGE difference between anti-government and anti-dictatorship but their primary focus is guns. Well yeah, without those, what good is the rest of the Constitution?! They are convinced that the government is out to seize their weapons, even though most legislation is focused on keeping guns out of the hands of criminals or restricting the types of weapons that can be sold Because the criminals all go to the store and buy their guns from retailers! FYI - last time I checked (about a month ago) 80% of criminals interviewed did not obtain their guns "legally" at least according to the Dept. of Justice. Many are also united by belief in an outlandish one-world government conspiracy theory positing that the United Nations is poised to strip away American property rights and impose socialism on us all. Yeah, because there's nothing socialism-ish about Obamacare, or the dependence on government for hand-outs to lazy people, or taxing us to death, or lowering standards in the name of "equality." What on Earth would make us worry about socialism?
What can be done to reverse this tide of belligerent ignorance? Not much. I beg to differ! The typical patriot acts within his free-speech and 2nd Amendment rights, and in fact most patriot activity consists of venting steam by meeting with like-minded Neanderthals and firing off blog posts threatening civil war. So believing in our America's founding principals makes us Neanderthals? Whatever label you want to put on it, I guess. But yes, these "terrorists" are LAW ABIDING CITIZENS! Which is more than I can say for some in government! Yet such blather tends to get under the skin of the Timothy McVeighs of the world. WTF?! These groups should be closely monitored, with resources adequate to the task, can you say Police State?! even if it means shifting some homeland security money from the hunt for foreign terrorists. OH! So this must be the reason Uncle Sam is stockpiling ammunition and weapons "for domestic use"!!!!! Because, you know, those law abiding citizens all belong in prison! (Which, there will be plenty of room, now that we let all the illegal immigrants out!)
Label me what you want, I am an American and I am awake!